Beeyond's Beginning

Creating with my hands has always been a necessary way of life for me. Having my son in 2009 motivated me to find my passion. In 2010 I started sewing re-purposed coffee burlap bags, and primitive snowmen ornaments. I started calling local artisan shops trying to get my products out there. I signed up for craft fairs near and far.  As the years went on the dream of owning my own store became my main focus. I self-taught myself to sew leather and make cold processed goats milk soap. In 2015 my husband Brian built me a shed that I turned into a little self-service store by the road. Customers would shop, put their money in the box, all on the honor system. It was great and often times I miss those simple shed days. In 2016 I opened my first brick and mortar, located in the tourist town of Berlin, Ohio. My store just happens to be in the oldest building in Berlin. Built in 1817!  I have been opening that 200+yr old door alongside my husband, six days a week for the last six years. I've enjoyed the freedom and the discipline of running my own business. I still have a lot more goals I would love to reach, but right now I'm enjoying this achievement. I'm taking things slow, creating when i have time, making connections with my customers, and enjoying my little tribe. I hope you enjoyed my story. Maybe it's inspired you to take the path less traveled, regardless of the roadblocks ahead.