Beeyond Thoughts RSS

Part of my writing on here at times feels superfluous. But the desire comes and goes. Like the seasons. When it snows I want to make homemade bread, when the weather is hot  I want to set up a tent and cook over a fire, when it rains I want to be at work crafting and creating, and when the moon is full like this I want to write and fall into a philosophical conversation about perception and how anything can be changed with the turn of a thought, about any one thing... This morning at 3:17am we had a beautiful...

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It's that time of the year again. When the air turns crisp, the leaves make you so grateful for your Midwest home, and of course the ever-returning desire to create something with my heart and my hands.   As women we are natural creators. Even something as simple as making a fire is fulfilling for me. The only unfortunate thing about it, is sometimes creativity rides the tail end of a wave so fast that if you aren't available for when it comes it will just pass you by.  Working with silver and gems has been a very rewarding process. Finding the...

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My life is the same every season. I want all the same things when the air turns crisp.. I want long evenings with a good movie, blankets easily available around the house, backroad driving with good music typically something by Brandi Carlile, Sturgill Simpson, a little Johnny and June in that mix too. Last Sunday we checked off all the things on my fall bucket list and my boys were such good sports. They allowed me to go as far as taking family pics before we left on our adventures.  Kind of a big deal when you live with all...

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algonquin, autumn, bees nest, bread house, cheese house, fall in ohio, festival, hills and valleys, homemade bread -

Algonquin is an Indian tribe that spoke the Algonquin language. The Algonquin language tribe had hundreds of tribes ranging from the Rocky mountains to the Atlantic ocean, and most of Canada.  So now you know where the name comes from. The Algonquin festival is something a customer mentioned to me years ago. She spoke to my old soul. She used words like; steam engines, old schoolhouses, log cabins and spoke of the artisans and musicians that set up there. Instantly I was hooked. I looked the place up two years ago and we went for the first time. We met...

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creative spirit, fabric, notions, sewing -

Sewing was the first creative outlet I started with. It saved me in those young, early days of motherhood. It gave me purpose and drive and fueled me to keep going in my craft. I love looking back on old pictures of bags Ive made. It feels like ages ago now. I grew up with women who bought fabric but only admired its beauty.  Do you ever do that with anything in your life? Some people collect pretty dishes, unique buttons, or like my family; fabric. Never to use, just to admire.  Using said item in a project would only diminish its beauty.   ...

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