Mother & Nature

I am the mother to these two sweet, loving, little, knuckleheads. They own half of my heart.
The other half belongs to this guy. He puts up with me and all my craziness.

Here in nature is where I find my center. It’s where I become grounded. Where all my thoughts feel right. Where my big deep breaths grow roots.

I love making soap. I love making... Sometimes just creating makes me feel whole.
I yearn for things of the past. The past of when my boys were small. The past of when I was small. The past long before my time, when generations of women before me paved the trail I'm blazing on. I've always felt that creating with my hands brought me back to where it began in some form or another.

Something you should know is I am a dreamer at heart. Possibly a hopeless romantic? I envision my life in stages of love and adventure. I thrive for change.
Often times I find myself stagnant in one place, while my heart dreams on the hillside of another.
I can easily let my emotions steer the ship. It’s taken plenty of books, podcasts, videos and lots of life experiences to move my mind deeper into the sea. I've learned to welcome the crashing waves of my emotions but view them from below in the calm deepness of my mind.
I can easily let my emotions steer the ship. It’s taken plenty of books, podcasts, videos and lots of life experiences to move my mind deeper into the sea. I've learned to welcome the crashing waves of my emotions but view them from below in the calm deepness of my mind.

Thank you for following along, for supporting my small business and reading my little nothings... I hope you come back again in the future.
Bee free my birds.
- B
Also check out the Common Ground Country fair in Unity, Maine. It’s a 3 day event always the 3rd weekend in September. Google it and plan to go some year😊.